On Friday morning bright and early (about 5 AM) my husband woke me up to see some beautiful Deer in our back yard. We sure did enjoy watching them for almost 1/2 hr. We would quietly walk from window to window to see what they were up to. They were
snitching some of the cracked corn and seeds that fell from our bird feeder, then take a drink of water from our bird bath, then even walked across our patio and munched on some of the fallen crab apples. We watched until finally their ears perked up, they
stretched their necks tall and gracefully jumped our chain link fence with inches to go. They then met up with several other deer who had been munching in our
neighbors yard.
Then yesterday, OH NO! I spotted 2 bunched of my tulips
neatly nibbled off. It must have been their dessert! So now I will try come up with a plan to stop the Deer munchers! Ha Ha! The amazing thing is we live right next to a very busy street in a city in SD.