Below is her flower garden that has various flowers blooming all summer long. This was over a week ago and now she tells me that the bright orange oriental poppies and peonies are open.
One of her big columbines, sorry, a little out of focus!
This is a big spirea bush that has been there since I was a little girl. It was just hanging full of blossoms. My mother dose a very good job with her flowers and she is 87 yr's old!
This is a big spirea bush that has been there since I was a little girl. It was just hanging full of blossoms. My mother dose a very good job with her flowers and she is 87 yr's old!
Now to my sister-in-laws flowers!
I could not believe how big and brilient blue these petunias were.
I love the way she uses the old cut down tree as a hanger and the other neet decorations, the old radio flyer wagon, the lantern and the old broiler tub!
These colorfull panzies really cought my eye!
These are the brilient pink/purple petunias also hanging on a tree stump.
These are the brilient pink/purple petunias also hanging on a tree stump.
These hangers were just loaded with flowers. It was like they just couldn't bloom enough!
This unusual rock also adorns her rock flower garden. I believe my brother found it when he was fixing fense. It is especially heavy.Now to my flowers!
bigger and fuller then I have ever seen them. This is the white bush on south side of our house.
These two pictures were also taken on South side of house.
Now to the East side. I liked the shaddow on this picture.
These two pictures were also taken on South side of house.
Now to the East side. I liked the shaddow on this picture.
My very tall snap draggon.
This is a balloon flower and grows like a weed. It spreads and spreads.
My miniture roses, about the size of a 50 cent piece.
Violet blue salvia the peranial.
Notice the out of focus bee enjoying the sweet pollin or nectar.
This is a balloon flower and grows like a weed. It spreads and spreads.
My miniture roses, about the size of a 50 cent piece.
Violet blue salvia the peranial.
Notice the out of focus bee enjoying the sweet pollin or nectar.
I just had to include my snow ball bush with the very large flowers this year. They are just finished now but I sure enjoyed them when they were open.
These are my big orange lillies that just opened yesterday. They have so many blossoms this year and each flower ishuge! I love all the rain that is a wonderfull blessing only God our creator can provide.
These are my big orange lillies that just opened yesterday. They have so many blossoms this year and each flower ishuge! I love all the rain that is a wonderfull blessing only God our creator can provide.