This is the Anniversary of Roe verses Wade. What a terrible time in the History of America!
In our wildest imagination can you think of how many Innocent babies have been killed since that horrible day in history! God forgive us as a nation and please help our Government and the leaders to hear your word and call to stop the killings. There is no reason why women, men, or doctors should have the right to choose to kill a living baby, that choice only belongs to our loving creator, God, who loves and forgives us through Christ Jesus.
This is the site to a beautiful song, YOU KNEW MY NAME.
I am posting some statistics for anyone who is interested. Our State had only a few more then 800 abortions this last year. I say only because this is a low number compared to many states.
When I think of about 3 abortions happening each day in our state, it makes me sick to my stomach. When I think of my children, my grandchildren, I can't understand any argument one might have for this atrocious act of sin.
Number of Abortions Performed in the
United States (AGI) (CDC)
1973 744,600 615,831
1974 898,600 763,476
1975 1,034,200 854,853
1976 1,179,300 988,267
1977 1,316,700 1,079,430
1978 1,409,600 1,157,776
1979 1,497,700 1,251,921
1980 1,553,900 1,297,606
1981 1,577,300 1,300,760
1982 1,573,900 1,303,980
1983 1,575,000 1,268,987
1984 1,577,200 1,333,521
1985 1,588,600 1,328,570
1986 1,574,000 1,328,112
1987 1,559,100 1,353,671
1988 1,590,800 1,371,285
1989 1,566,900 1,396,658
1990 1,608,600 1,429,577
1991 1,556,500 1,388,937
1992 1,528,900 1.359,145
1993 1,500,000 1,330,414
1994 1,431,000 1,267,415
1995 1,363,690 1,210,883
1996 1,365,730 1,221,585
1997 1,365,730 1,186,039
1998 1,365,730 884,273*
1999 1,365,730 861,789*
2000 1,312,990 857,475**
2001 1,303,000& 853,485**
2002 1,293,000
&2003 1,293,000
2004 1,293,000
&&&AGI estimate&&NRLC base figure
*excludes NH, CA, AK, OK
**excludes NH, CA, AK
4,000 each day
AGI - Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood)CDC - Centers for Disease ControlNRLC - National Right To Life CommitteeCIRTL - Central Illinois Right To Life
AGI - Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood)CDC - Centers for Disease ControlNRLC - National Right To Life CommitteeCIRTL - Central Illinois Right To Life
AGI - Alan Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood)CDC - Centers for Disease ControlNRLC - National Right To Life CommitteeCIRTL - Central Illinois Right To Life
Why Abortions Are PerformedThe overwhelming majority of all abortions, (95%), are done as a means of birth control.
Only 1% are performed because of rape or incest;
1% because of fetal abnormalities;
3% due to the mother's health problems.
Source: Central Illinois Right To Life
Reasons Women Choose Abortion (U.S.)Wants to postpone childbearing: 25.5%
Wants no (more) children: 7.9%
Cannot afford a baby: 21.3%
Having a child will disrupt education or job: 10.8%
Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy: 14.1%
Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy: 12.2%
Risk to maternal health: 2.8%
Risk to fetal health: 3.3%
Other: 2.1%Source:Bankole, Akinrinola; Singh, Susheela; Haas, Taylor. Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries. International Family Planning Perspectives, 1998, 24(3):117–127 & 152 As reported by:The Alan Guttmacher Institute Online:
Legality of AbortionAbortion is legal in the USA at any time throughout the entire nine months of pregnancy... FOR ANY REASON (due to a woman's "mental health" exception)
Abortions WorldwideNumber of abortions per year: Approximately 46 MillionNumber of abortions per day: Approximately 126,000
Where abortions occur:78% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 22% occur in developed countries.
Legality of abortion:About 26 million women obtain legal abortions each year, while an additional 20 million abortions are obtained in countries where it is restricted or prohibited by law.
Abortion averages:Worldwide, the lifetime average is about 1 abortion per woman.
Center for Bioethical Reform