Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Christmas tree 2009

This year we put our Christmas tree in the living room. I like the way it shows through the picture window and that I can see it both from the kitchen and family room.

I think our 12 year old dog Baxter enjoys this time of year. He often lays looking at the tree as if he knows what Christmas is all about. I sometimes think the animals, who are also Gods creation, praise the Lord. Isaiah 43:20 The wild animals honor me. If even the wild animals honor God, I'm sure the tame pets do too! We need to praise and honor Him for all His gifts, especially the GIFT of His Son, Jesus.

Our old 18 yr old cat, Sammy still loves to lay under the tree. It's been very cold and snowy so I'm sure that makes a difference. It is supposed to get -11 tonight. I'm thankful we have very little wind. Below is a close up picture of Sammy cat under the tree! He is blind on one eye, has a bum ear with many notches and limps a little. He dose quite well for his age.

I have a few birds I purchased a few years ago and they look nice in our Christmas tree.

This Dove was purchased when we were in Germany. It is made from wood from the Holy Land. The colorful ornament towards the left is one we had a child. This is so pretty when it spins and it seems to spin for a long time. I have pleasant memories of me and my brother hanging these on the tree and spinning them over and over. I can still feel that excitement!
The white snow flake is one of many that my mother crocheted for me. I love them and use them every year. The precious moments ceramic ornament was a gift from my mother about 25 years ago, it says TO MY DAUGHTER! I will always love and treasure it!

This bell with the Nativity is also made from wood from the Holy lands. The little sleeping snow baby ornament was a gift from my oldest daughter. It always has a special place on the tree.

This is a blown glass Nativity that I received from our youngest daughter. I love it and the way it reflects the light. We also need to reflect the light, Jesus said, I am the light of the world. We need to reflect that special love of Jesus with His help.
I pray that you are all blessed by this Advent season and taking advantage of the Special Advent worship services that are offered in many Church's.