We had a bag of apples that were not as firm, crunchy or as tasty as we had hoped. My husband had a suggestion to make a apple pie from the apples. So I peeled, cut and sliced the apples, put them in a home made crust, added sugar and Cinnamon and here we are, ready for the oven.

I always sprinkle a bit of sugar over the top crust, whats a little more sugar when your talking about a pie? Right?

UM-NUM! Something very very good
from something that was not so good!
This reminds me of our sinful selves, we are all bad by nature, born in sin! Only God takes something not so good and turns it (us) into something very very good, righteous, godly, through His son Jesus, we are cleansed by the blood of the perfect lamb, (Jesus) and forgiven for all our badness. We are changed through Baptism and we become a new person, adopted by Christ and we carry His name, Christian.
As scripture tells us in Romans 6:4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

Just like these not-so-good apples no longer exist , our old self no longer exists, we have put on a new self through the Holy Spirit! We are like that pie, sweet, and tasty and good in the eyes of our loving, forgiving God! It's true!