Inside the Tee Pee at the information center.
You can see all the orange during the VBS opening.
The puppet wagon with the costumed animals on the back drives through the housing area with music and invitation that VBS is about to start. Many children run behind and follow down to VBS.
Some road their bikes.
Some were right up front for a close up view of the Puppets.
The Gospel was told using the story of the three little pigs and how we need to build our house on the sure foundation with Jesus as the head.
This is some of the singing puppets, singing "Jesus Loves the little children, all the children of the world".
You can see the sign on the Puppet wagon telling it's from the Rosebud Lutheran Church on the Rosebud Reservation. Every Year it travels the 3 hours from Rosebud to Porcupine which is on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Pastor Andrew Utecht heads up our 2 day VBS.
This was the 5th VBS he and his family have presented this month.
This was the 5th VBS he and his family have presented this month.
Pastor Andrew Utechts Vicar, Max presented the flannel board Bible Story of the Prodigal Son. He did a very good job with this and you can see from the photo below that many were listening to the lesson.
The children in the front were leading the VBS music. Vicar Max was playing the Guitar.
Snack time!
Our Hong Kong students were help full in serving the drinks.
Our Hong Kong students were help full in serving the drinks.
These plants were to remind them of the fruits of the spirit that are a gift from God.
As many were listening to the word of God, singing and praising our Lord and Savior, Satan was active in the area. About half way through our VBS, A young man who had been active in our church came running down from the housing area with news of a 12 yr old young man who had just taken his own life. This young man, along with his family had been to our church many times, even Monday, day 1 of VBS. Rev Robert Utecht along with my husband Jeff, immediately went up to be with the family with Bible readings and prayers at this very sorrowful time. We hurt for the family and hate the power of the evil foe, trying to destroy Gods word going forth. Please pray for Gods Spirit to go forth on this Reservation.