Our year two for our Rhododendron. I love this flower, it is WV state flower. So thankful it survived the winter.
I am starting out this blog with beautiful flowers. We will continue this blog with some of our hard work as we purchased a garden shed kit around Wed April 20th and got it built by Saturday as snow, wind and rain was on it's way
Our trailer, mainly used when we cut fire wood, was just right for haling the shed kit home. |
Many trips to unload the Garden shed parts. |
IMPORTANT! Need the instructions. |
It is coming together rather nicely. |
The shop vac worked great for the dirt and grass tracked in on the floor.
Time to check the directions. So glad I didn't have to do it all but I was happy to be a helper. |
Power drill getting a work out. |
Getting it done! |
It surprised me how big it looked and how much of our garden equipment it houses. Much more room to move around and park our vehicles in our garage now.
Yea, got the doors on and finished before the weekend rain and snow. |
I pretty much like our little garden shed. It seems to fit just right and looks so nice with the blooming lilacs on both sides. |
Year 2 for my bleeding heart and so happy it is blooming. |
We have a few fragrant blooming plants and trees. Lilacs are filling our yard with scent. We have Honeysuckle, and blooming creeping flux.
These are very good for the spring honey bees out scouting for pollen.
Garden planted May 2, except set out plants like tomatoes and peppers. |
These three garden figurines were a "garage sale find" last summer. They are a little weathered but they fit in well with our garden pond. I especially like the little guy catching the frog.
F. R. O. G. Fully Rely On God