On our way to western ND to visit our youngest daughter and family. Here is Little Luther as we pass the geographical center of North America in Rugby, ND.
Fun with grandchildren. Noah with animals and below, farm and more farm.
Very nice ND day for a walk. We saw old tractors, an old cement town safe and the big sky line elevators.
Getting prepared for the trick or treaters.
Helping with the cookie dough to make Reformation cookies for church coffee hour.
Enjoying spice tea with Papa.
Reformation cookies, we had fun making 5 doz cookies and everyone enjoyed them after the Reformation Worship service.
Our 6 yr old grandson lost his first tooth. So exciting to be there for this big event in his life.
Little Luther on the Lutheran Cross.
Our grandchildren really loved helping dad with the wood splitter.
The carving of the Pumpkins. Lots of fun with grandchildren, even Ansir came to join in the fun.
Messy job!
Our good-looking grandson, my how he has grown up to be a man.
This one was mine! Yuck!
The finished jack-o-lanterns. |