Monday, August 24, 2009

The Reservation Bouquet

Yesterday, after the Mission church service, craft and meal at the Porcupine mission, one of the young ladies who comes with her family and helps with the mission, picked me this lovely bouquet of flowers that she found out in the area. The taller round yellow flowers have a very sticky feel that hardly washes off your hand and also has a strong unique smell. I remember when I was just a little girl living in ND I would play with these plants. Seeing and smelling these in the bouquet made me feel like that same little girl.
It is a very unique bunch of natural flowers and grasses.
This very fine, wispy grass with the tiny seed at each end really filled in the bouquet.

Now this (whatever it might be) is my favorite. The firm leaves are edged in white and the flowers have very tiny flowers in the center. along with a green seed pod. A very strange unique flower and it still looks as fresh as when it was picked from the prairie field.

I see so many of these as we drive to and from the Reservation along the ditch line. They are very pretty, showy purple. I think it might be some type of Sage or Sylvia. It never has a overly lot of flower on the stem but it keeps blooming higher and seems to bloom for weeks and weeks. If you notice the leaves, you will see many holes from the thousand's of grasshoppers.
Its a good thing that 13 yr old young lady wasn't scared of grasshoppers because they fly up ahead of each step we take like a cloud.

The lonely Wild Sunflower really added to the bouquet. You can also see the Grasshopper munch marks on the yellow peddles.All these flowers and grasses grow very nicely in very hot dry conditions.
Everything about this bouquet reminds me of both Isaiah 40 verse 6,7 & 8, and 1 Peter 1 verse 24 and 25. "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."

We all need to READ the WORD, Study the WORD and Believe the WORD of the LORD.

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