Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gardens and Bird Houses

I love gardens especially getting to see both my daughters gardens within 2 weeks of time. These pictures of Melissa's garden in Northern North Dakota was taken June 14th, the day after Ansir was confirmed. I will need to post on that later when I get my camera card back. ( I forgot it or got it confused with their card after we looked at pictures after the confirmation.)

Auntie Melissa sitting with her youngest niece while me and Charity picked lettuce and spinach for the noon meal.

Nice smile from The Lutheran Hen. Lutheran Hen My oldest daughter. You can tell we were all having a great time. Just all 3 of us together makes a great time.

Melissa's garden is quite big and things are really growing.

BELOW is the Hens garden. It is really a large garden that they share with her in-laws.
These pictures were taken on June 22nd. The corn is gigantic, but then we are talking Nebraska!

The weeds are large too but it had been over 2 weeks since she had seen the garden and with all the rain before and even when we were their, it is too muddy to weed properly. The vegetables are holding their own tho and she had egg-size tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers on. I would guess that by now they are already eating some of the produce. YUM-YUM!

This garden is about 3 times the size of my garden. You can tell from the picture above.

The photos of my garden below were taken June 26th. Things are growing nicely but I do have a lot of insect problems with a few things. Just today I spotted a tiny first tomato set on, small banana pepper, small sweet peas and we have had much lettuce, spinach and kale

The corn has definitely surpassed the knee-high by fourth of July. I think it is up to my waist now.

These are potatoes on the far East end.


Papa helped our 11 yr old grandson build a bird house for a 4-H fair project.
It turned out so nice. Papa said he had so much fun he wanted to build another one tomorrow.
But they didn't.

They read directions, measured, sawed and nailed.

Then he put the stain, varnish on.

The final coat was applied once we were at his home. He sure did a good job!

BELOW, Papa ask his oldest granddaughter if she wanted to try make a bird house but she didn't think she could so me and her went shopping instead! FUN TIMES!
The 8 yr old granddaughter thought it was a great idea so papa helped her build a cute little birdhouse.

She was as proud as could be. I think papa had as much fun as she did.

Here she is painting the birdhouse.
She chose blue and wanted pink polka dots on it.

She used a carrot cut in half for the polka dots. How cute.

She might enter hers in the County Fair also.



I thought it was just too cute when he straightened the nail he had hit in crooked

He wanted to use every color EXCEPT PINK, that is a girls color.

He wanted stripes! lots of colorful stripes!
What beautiful birdhouses they made.

1 comment:

Melissa Sutton said...

What wonderful memories they will have of their PAPA. It looks like they all worked very hard. I am sure the birds will love them.