Sunday, June 10, 2007


My husband and I have had this piece of driftwood for over 35 years now.
We have varnished it, stained it and oiled it on a regular basis.
We have packed it with us through several military moves.
This driftwood used to always have a special place in our house but it has been out on our patio or in one of our flower gardens for the last several years.
It seems to be holding up quite nicely.
When We were married 35 years ago, we went on a honeymoon to His family and relatives in WV and KY. One day we were out boating with his cousin and wife, My husband spotted this old piece of drift wood and thought it would make a nice souvenir.
Well since it was the only souvenir we could afford, we brought it all the way back to ND.
We have treasured this driftwood ever since that day.
I doubt if we could have found or purchased a more memorable souvenir.

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