Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The surprise!

About 2 weeks ago my husband surprised me with a beautiful set of DIAMOND (yes, they are real) earrings. I should not have been surprised because this was the morning of our 35th wedding anniversary. Of course He had a wonderful card as well. They are called a woman's best friend. I have never ask for or coveted Diamonds but I have to admit they are wonderful. The man who gave them to me is way my best friend, and a lasting love. Diamonds are the hardest gem and thus wear well and last forever. I guess the meaning and love behind the Diamond is worth even more then the diamonds themselves. I still have the original diamond ring that he gave me 36 years ago when he purposed. I have worn it every day since that time and I must say it has held up well. It is only through the Love and forgiveness of our loving God that our marriage has held up also. The day we were united in marriage we were united together as a rope with 3 strands, with Christ holding us together.
I was not expecting anything since the last few years we have not exchanged gifts but rather just purchase something that we had both been wanting or we go or do something very special. Like for our 30th, We went to Niagara Falls in June. and also when our whole family was together we had our old time photo taken. It was so much fun, I love the picture and can still see how excited our grandchildren were. We are thinking about having another done sometime as we now have 2 more grandchildren and even the baby in this photo can not remember this.

Memorial Day

I had been to the National Cemetery numerous times but this Monday was the first time I had ever been at the Black Hills National Cemetery for Memorial Day. WOW! I could hardly believe all the activities and celebration ceremonies. The Native Americans had the first memorial ceremony at 9 AM then lots of music, and another ceremony at 11 AM led by the Veterans. The weather was great with a nice breeze, OK, more like a strong wind but the flags really looked nice.

I could not believe how many people were at the Black Hills National Cemetery on Memorial day. So many of the graves were adorned with cross's, wreaths, floral arrangements and a lot of live flower arrangements too. There was a sign that all flowers had to be off the Cemetery by June 4Th. I guess that is so they can mow and do upkeep. We heard it said that this Cemetery is the Arlington Cemetery of the West.

Many US Flags were flying in the strong Northern wind. It was a very nice setting for many people to pay their respect for those who have gone before us and who so bravely served our country that we might have freedom.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Saturday was Armed Forces Day so I decided to share a picture of a house roof that we drive by on our school bus route. As you can see the shingles have been painted as a USA Flag. It has been that way for about a year now and still looks so bright. I have always admired this wonderful piece of art. It is also very fitting for our city since there are many Bronze sculptures of the United States Presidents on street corners of our down town area. Maybe one day I may post a few pictures of some of my favorites. They are done in life size sculptures so it's fun to walk the downtown area to see and read about each President.

Sunday was Armed Forces Sunday so our church service included many prayers for our Military and our Country. We sang patriotic Hymns.After the benediction and during the announcements, our Pastor ask everyone who was or had ever been in the military to please stand up. I was surprised at how many from our 8 AM early service stood up. Over 20. I have no idea how many stood up in the Sat evening or the 10:45 AM service. What a blessing it is to have brave men and women fight to keep our country free. We pray for the safety and God's strength for not only the soldiers but also the Chaplains.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


I love it when my Chives bloom. They are such a pretty lavender color and really decorate that corner of my garden. The patch of chives seem to spread bigger and bigger each year.
I rarely remember to use them for my cooking but my husband likes them too so he often will head out to the garden to retrieve some when he is cooking or even to put in some of my dishes. If you want to see how uniquely they look close up, just put your cursor on the picture and click. It will enlarge the picture. I love to do that as I read other blogs.


My oldest daughter gave me this snow ball bush several years ago. She had one in her yard and had been trying to explain how these snow balls formed and looked. She figured if she gave me my own, I would soon find out!
This year my bush has many, many blossoms on it. They start out greenish yellow then as they blossom out turn so very white and fluffy. Every year it blooms I can't help but think of my loving daughter and family.
This also reminds me of our sin becoming white as snow. being washed away and cleansed by the blood of the pure spotless Lamb, Jesus.


This year I have chosen a Fuchsia plant for my shade hanging planter by our patio. These gorgeous flowers never seem to amaze me! They hang so pretty and unfold from what looks like a hanging ball. They come in different reds, pinks and white. I hope mine continues to bloom all summer long. It must have had 15 blossoms when I bought it.

It's tempting to peal open one of those red ball bud's and try gently unfold the blossom to see how it can all fit so snugly. Of course it is created by God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and only He can unfold it and knows how it can fit. He is so Almighty and all knowing. I am glad to know He is in control of me also. It is comforting to trust in our God Who Knows Me so well and created me in my mothers womb. One of my favorite Psalms talks about this, Ps 139!
verse 13 and 14 , For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Track and Field Meet

This picture reminded me of mother hen, my daughter , and Papa hen? (which there really isn't such a thing) my son-in-law,
leading the first grade girls and boys to the starting point for one of the races. The children listened so well and followed just like baby chicks or ducklings follow their mother.
My Daughter, the first grade teacher was showing one of her students witch events he was in and about when they would take place. It's a lot to keep track of especially with 20 energetic 6 year olds. I really love there green school t-shirts with the white Cross logo and name. The dark color did absorb the sun on this 90 degree day. Maybe next year they will go with white t-shirts and green logo! ? ?

Above right was just after coming 2nd after running the 100. He really did a great job on that one. We are proud of him for trying so hard. Above left was after the race, he and a friend were cooling off in the shade of a big umbrella. This was a large group of children ages Kind to 8th grade, including several Christian schools and Home school's too. I would estimate over 500 participants.

This is our grandson running the mile. It was a warm day and a mile seems quite long. 4 times around that big track. He made it and got a ribbon for 4th place.

It was a very fun day! I am glad we had a few hours that we could watch our Lutheran school compete.
My husband and I are very much looking forward to visiting our oldest daughter, husband and four grandchildren and watching them play on their summer ball teams. Our oldest daughter, just 2 weeks ago ran a half marathon in Lincoln NE. What a accomplishment! I could never have done that. She always has been more of a runner then I have been. We were rooting for her and very happy she made it to the finish line.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


After climbing many steps , like 150 or more, we arrive at the tallest and biggest dinosaur's on this high hill in our city. This Dinosaur Park is quite a land mark. No mater where you are in the city, when you look up you can see this big dinosaur from one angle or another. Our city wraps around this hill. There is a very popular sight seeing road at the top, curvy edge of this hill called Sky Line Drive. The area is full of natural grasses, and wild flowers which adds to the beauty. Wild Life is often spotted as one drives the curvy tree lined hill top road. You can see how high up we are with these pictures of the city. The picture to the lower left is toward the West and shows one of the oldest shopping mall, Baken Park. There is also a popular park, Ball park and swim pool, and big sport complex.
The photo on the right is towards the East. It
shows down town and main street.

These pictures are toward the South West. Notice the Hill in the background.

Finally a picture toward the way South West.
This is a very nice view of the Black Hills from a high point on Sky Line Drive.

A single Tulip

Explain this one? How did this tall tulip get in the center of our lawn? It's amazing how RED it looks with all the green grass around it. It is really tall too, about 16 inch's.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

David and Goliath are back!

For years I had been wanting a garden pond for our yard. Then in spring of 2001, our youngest daughter and her husband gave us the pond for mothers day, fathers day and a anniversary gift. We had to do the digging and placing but it certainly has been a joy. The red cistern pump was one we had in our ND farm house when I was a young girl. The only source of water besides a couple of out door pumps(wells). My husband is very handy and set this up to aerate the water for the fish. Today we brought our 2 fish back from my youngest daughters first grade class room where they live and stay in a aquarium all winter. You can see why they are named David and Goliath, because of their size difference. Of coarse the large golden spotted fish is Goliath. They are about 5 yrs old and the school/garden pool arrangement seems to work out well for everyone. I'd like to thank the Zion 1st grade for taking such good care of David and Goliath.

Spearfish Canyon

Last Sunday, May 6Th, My Husband and I were visiting with friends and also attended their church at Spearfish. Since we absolutely love Spearfish Canyon, we decided to drive through the curvy winding canyon on our way to our friends home. It had rained most of Saturday and was still lightly raining during the drive. I had never been through the canyon when it was raining so everything looked so different.

The main thing was Bridal Veil Falls. This has always been a very fine, trickle of a water fall. I guess that's why the name fit it so well. As you can see from this photo, it was a mighty, roaring water fall from the 2" rain. The sound of the falls and the running water as it rushed over rocks and curves at the bottom was magnificent.

There are 2 other much larger falls in the canyon that can only be viewed by walking a trail. Since it was raining, we did not take the time to do that. I would imagine they were triple their normal size as well. The Canyon is a very popular winter retreat with snowmobile trails, sleigh rides and hiking. The fall foliage is splendid and brings out thousands of sight seer's during the peak of color. If you ever get a chance to tour the Black Hills of SD, Spearfish Canyon is a must!

Saturday, May 5, 2007


I know, I know, More flower pictures!
I just had to share these pictures of this amazing plant. It basically needs very little care. It looks like it is dead and possibly frozen out over winter, then spring comes and it is absolutely loaded with tiny beautiful blossoms so close together that it looks almost like a carpet. I wish it would bloom all summer but I guess the 3 weeks in spring will have to do.

I have 3 different colors and they spread
each year. The picture above is a close up of
the many tiny dime size blossoms on the Creeping Fhlox.
The lawn ornament with the pink glass ball was a gift, several years ago, from my oldest daughter, her husband, and at that time their two oldest children as a mothers day gift. It always reminds me of them because it is 2 small children, a little girl and boy flying a kite. You can see the kite to the upper right of the pink ball. We are very thankful that we received 1 1/2 " rain today. Things were very dry here and lakes were very low. Also this will help prevent forest fire's in this beautiful Black Hills. There was a small fire already this week close to Leed .

Friday, May 4, 2007


It seems early this year, our flowering crab apple tree was in full bloom this week. They are just so beautiful. We have two trees just a foot to the West of our patio and when they bloom its like a big, gorgeous flower umbrella over our patio. It is a mess when they fall off and again when the crab apples fall and again when the fall leaves fall, but sometimes we need to put up with the bad to enjoy the good. Tuesday evening when I was sitting out under the tree, there were so many Bee's (about 3 different kinds) I could hear them buzzing. It definitely brought to mind, Busy as a Bee. What a wonderful way to see and enjoy Gods magnificent creation!


As you can see, our beautiful flowering crab trees did not last long. Wed and Thur we had strong gusty wind up to 50 MPH. You can see that most of the peddles are now on our patio and also on our lawn. This reminds me of the changes in our life and how life dose not last that long. We are but a vapor as scripture tells it best. We are like the grass in the fields, here one day and gone the next. We are thank full for the time God gives us and He uses us according to His gracious will.