Friday, July 25, 2008

Hills Alive 2008

Last weekend was the big Hills Alive free summer music festival. I did go for a few hours each day. The weather was nice, in 80's, not like most previous years at 110 degrees. There were thunderstorms around but they split and went around the festival.
It was huge! Over 20.000 people for almost every Christian band or speaker. This picture is from Greg Laurie giving a wonderful message of Gods love and forgiveness.
Other groups were Mandisa, Brandon Heath, Tree 63, Toby Mac and many more.

You can see the big stage, even had a big screen up this year so those far away could see. I know they didn't have any problem hearing, LOT'S of big power full speakers!
Many blue balloons were released, one for each child that was sponsored for Mission of Mercy.

This is in our big city park, many stand up close to the front but most bring their lawn chairs, blankets and even awnings , coolers with water and snacks etc.
It is amazing how many people come. They have 4 big stages with different groups, bands, speakers and the Kids stage had a lot of fun things going on. Even a Christian illusionist.

There was also many Merchandise and food Vendors. One was called the Manna Hut.
There was soda, Ice cream, hot dogs and much more. A lot of free Christian flyer's and merchandise was given out. We hope that some who just came out of curiosity had the opportunity to learn of Our Great Loving Saviour.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Favorite Places (My Cat)

We have a 15 yr old cat. Can you spot him at one of his favorite places?

Up high where he can watch the world. I think it makes him feel big and important.

Oh No! He spotted me and now he needs to beg for food, attention or a treat!

He also likes to catch the early morning sun rays by laying on top the roof of our house.

He loves to lay on our patio chair half under our patio table.

The front step to the south side of our house is another favorite spot.
Now he is upset, "there she is with that camera again, can't I rest in peace?"
Unfortunately, he doesn't always stay in our yard.
I am always amazed to see him walk the top of our chain link fence. He dose a very good job! Especially for being 15 yrs old.

See, I told you, that cat has some other favorite places besides in our yard.

He loves laying in tall grass!
He loves to roll in the tall cool grass.
He can look so Innocent and sweet!
Here he is sitting on the banister of our patio. He dose this mostly at night.
And for some reason, he loves to lay under the Christmas tree like he is one special gift.
He also loves to be on my lap but only when he thinks it's his idea. He is a very independent cat. His name is Sammy Silas, named by our youngest daughter when she brought him home as a orphan kitten over 15 years ago.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Favorite Places

I thought I would share some of My favorite places with everyone. Top of the list is Worshiping at Church. What a joy and freedom it is to worship, learn the true word of God and receive His Body and Blood through Holy Communion. It is wonderful to know our church family Loves the Lord and each other.

Another favorite place is spending time with family, especially when it is celebrating a new grandchild's baptism. We enjoy many fun times together, even if we live miles apart we make the most of the time we are together.

I love spending time on the farm visiting my parents. They also live miles away so we need to make the most of our time. It's a special thought when we think of spending eternity in Heaven together, FOREVER and EVER!
This is beautiful Roughlock falls. I have always loved this area
since the first time I visited Spearfish Canyon.

The Canyon has gorgeous high rock walls and curvy roads with lots of pine and other trees. They are very colorful in fall and attract many sight seer's.
I also love walking paths through tall trees. Another favorite place is on our boat fishing. It is so peaceful and quiet.

The lakes are so beautiful.
Sun sets and sun rises are also a favorite for me. I think of the wonder of Gods marvelous creation. The sun He created rises and gives us light and His Son Jesus rose from the grave to declare victory for all who believe. He is also the light of the world!
Take time to think of some of your favorites and even share them in a comment.

You won't want to miss my next post, it will include some of my CAT'S Favorite places!

Monday, July 14, 2008


It's a big man with a big fish!
He's a hard worker, Here he is volunteering at their church. He loves the Lord and is always willing to give of His time and talent's. He is the head of the family and makes sure they all know what is priority, That is GOD FIRST!
He helps a lot at home. He is a loving family man!
Here he is with the kindest smile!

Here he is with the hardest laugh!
He is a tall man and even looks taller when walking with his young son. Someday his son's may be just as tall as he is!
Gentle , loving and proud to be a father of 4 and only 80 days untill #5!

All dressed up for church and with his two lovely daughters.
Since it is July 14th, I thought you might need to cool off a bit and look at this big snow man he helped his children to make.

You are a great dad, wonderful husband and a living example of Gods love.
Happy, blessed birthday! We love you very much and always will!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Blow-Out

A little over a week ago I was working out in our back yard when all at once I was startled by a loud BOOM! WOW! It sounded like something had blown up. My Husband even heard it in the house and came out to look around. I wondered if it had been something in the garage or maybe in our old "GRISWALD" van camper. After looking around for a while, we didn't see a thing that could have caused that loud explosion noise.
Back to our old van camper. It is small but really convenient for fishing and small camp outs. It looks nicer on the inside then on the outside. Oak cabinets.
This is from the front to the back. There is stove, sink, fridge, bathroom, couch that changes into a bed and a lot of other neat fetchers. .
This picture is towards the front of the van. Lots of storage and you can see the microwave toward the upper left.
BACK TO THE LOUD BOOM! A few days latter my husband discovered this sight! You guessed it, the spare tire on the back of the Griswald camper had blown up. We had a blow-out and we weren't even driving!
It looks bad doesn't it?
I can definitely tell how that would make such a loud BOOM sound.
Here it is on the back of the camper. We have since replaced all four tires on the camper and have a much newer, better shape spare tire. We are ready to travel!
I wish you all a safe summer with no blow outs!