Thursday, November 6, 2008

Blizzard but it could have been worse!

Here are a few more pictures of the first blizzard of the season. Nov 6, 2008.

It is a lot of work to clear sidewalks and driveways. I am glad my husband has this snow blower and it still takes a lot of work. He has been out for over 2 hours.

These two humps of snow are my neighbors two cars. Yes they are small sports cars but still, where are they?

It warmed up enough for some beautiful icicles to form from our garage roof. Every time I see these I can't help but think of our youngest daughter who loves eating icicles or at least she always did love to eat them.

This drift is about 3 ft high' maybe a little higher. In the hills they have over 42" snow and can you imagine the high drifts with this high 60 to 75 MPH wind. There are reports of thousands without power. Many are in the Northern Hills and many East and South. We have been fine and actually protected from the heaviest wind too.

There was a lot of ice too, you can see the ice covered garage.
Below is the front of our house. It looks like someone actually shoveled snow up against it to help insulate it from the cold like we used to do in ND when I was a kid.

Its always fun to bake on these cold, windy snow days. I made oatmeal cookies, without the raisins. My husband doesn't like the raisins!

UM UM! fresh baked bread. It was a loaf of roads frozen bread but still makes the house smell so-o-o good. I love fresh baked warm bread.

Since I had the oven on, I thought it might be nice to make a squash. I cube up the squash and put lots of brown sugar and real butter on it. Bake it for about 1 hour and it is scrumptious.

I hope you are all safe and warm and enjoying whatever life brings your way.

Whatever you do, do it all to the Glory of God!

1 comment:

Melissa Sutton said...

Hey I baked to although we didn't have as much snow as you. Actually we only had a small skiff. Any way I baked 3 loves of wheat bread (NOT FROZEN) and a bunch of Cinnamon Rolls. They turned out good even though the oven only has one temp. 500+ degrees. Everything bakes real fast! And I still like eating Ice Cycles but I check to see how dirty they are now. Back when I was a kid I didn't care!