Friday, July 6, 2007

Pretty in Pink

This is my pink Wave Petunia plant that has done very good this year. It has so very many blossoms on it. This one is on the North side of our house. There are also two planters with wave petunias on the South side of the house. They are half this size but I'm sure that is due to the high temps this summer. We have had 95+ degrees the last couple of weeks and no rain for the last three weeks. Tomorrow is supposed to get 105 degrees. It is 101 degrees right now. It seems we can water and water but it barely keeps things green and alive. One shower of God's nourishing rain makes such a big difference. It is almost hard to comprehend the almighty power, control and love He has for the plants He has created. How much more then dose He care for us humans for whom He gave His only Son Jesus!

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